Lose Weight Feel Great Magazine (Digital Version)

Lose Weight Feel Great! will provide you authoritative and independent content to help you achieve the weight you’re happy with through enduring changes to your lifestyle and food choices. Inside every issue FOOD Recipes and easy to follow instructions for delicious and healthy meals which are easy to make Advice on food swaps so you can enjoy snacks and meals with less calories REAL LIFE STORIES Inspiring stories from people who have found their happy weight MINDSET Advice on creating a healthy lifestyle, with new habits to achieve the right weight and maintain it Inspiration to build the mental strength to succeed and to be confident and happy ACTVE: Inspiration and advice on how to get active and stick with it as part of a healthier lifestyle

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Digital magazine

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Country:              United Kingdom

ISSN Number:      010720211031

Published By:       Kelsey Publishing Group


Fulfilled By:          Zinio

Available On:        Web Reader, Desktop Reader, iPad, iPhone & Android

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