Colouring Book: Rebirth and Renewal Magazine (Digital Version)

Stressed out at work? Are the pressures of the world getting you down? We guarantee relaxation with these complex Zen and anti-stress colouring pages for adults. The Harmony of Colour Series offers detailed images and patterns that are chosen by experts for their soothing properties. Be aware of the overall harmony of your colouring rather than focusing on each element individually. Try to balance the colours so that they are a reflection of your emotions of the moment. If the colours of your page are in harmony, then your mind will follow! Now… grab your pencils or texts and de-stress… and don’t forget to share your creations with us on social media.

Sale price$3.73
Digital magazine

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Country:              Australia

ISSN Number:      162609052024

Published By:       Nuclear Enterprises Pty Ltd


Fulfilled By:          Zinio

Available On:        Web Reader, Desktop Reader, iPad, iPhone & Android

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