Entertainment Weekly The Ultimate Guide to 90's TV Magazine (Digital Version)

From the comedy of ‘Friends’ and ‘Family Matters’ to the drama of ‘ER’ and ‘Beverly Hills, 90210,’ the 90’s were prime-time for TV fanatics. In this new special edition, ‘Untold Stories of 90’s TV,’ the editors at Entertainment Weekly go behind the scenes of your favorite series with the actors, creators, writers, and directors who made the decade’s hits. You’ll return to your favorites in groundbreaking laughter: ‘Seinfeld,’ ‘Murphy Brown,’ ‘Frasier,’ ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,’ ‘The Nanny,’ ‘Will & Grace,’ and more. Then, you’ll consider again the powerful dramas that made you gasp and cheer and cry, often at the same time: ‘Melrose Place,’ ‘The X-Files,’ ‘Twin Peaks,’ ‘My So-Called Life,’ and revisit the complex lives of Xena, Buffy, Ally, and Felicity. EW’s ‘Untold Stories of 90’s TV’ brings you intimate interviews, raucous roundtables, and intriguing oral histories that bring back to life a time like no other in television.

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Country:              United States

ISSN Number:      EWTheUltimateGuideto90sTV

Published By:       Meredith Corporation

Category:             DIGITAL

Fulfilled By:          Zinio

Available On:        Web Reader, Desktop Reader, iPad, iPhone & Android

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